

  • NGS short reads (Illumina HiSeq)
  • SMRT reads (PacBio)


Currently there are two possible formats to get the genotyping output:

  • Text

    Writes two lines in the output for each VNTR. The first contains the VNTR ID and the second line contains R1/R2 as the repeating unit counts. Below is an example output in text format for one VNTR:


  • BED

    BED format contains one line per locus and it is a tab-delimited output comprised of 9 columns: 1. The name of the chromosome, 2. Start position of the VNTR, 3. End position of the VNTR, 4. VNTR ID, 5. Name of the gene that contains the VNTR, 6. Repeating motif, 7. Number of repeats in reference genome, 8 and 9. Number of repeats in the sample. Below is an example output in BED format for one VNTR:

#CHROM Start End VNTR_ID Gene Motif RefCopy R1 R2
chr21 45196324 45196360 301645 CSTB CGCGGGGCGGGG 3 2 3
  • VCF
    (Under construction)


adVNTR runs as follows:

usage: advntr <command> [options]

There are four commands:

Determine repeat unit count and sequence variation within VNTRs.
Show the structure and information about the VNTRs in the database.
Add a custom VNTR to the database.
Delete a VNTR from the database.

Each of these commands and their options is described below.


Use advntr genotype [options] to genotype a VNTR using sequencing data. Alignment file and working directory are required.

Summary of options:

--frameshift: Use this option to identify frameshift instead of finding copy number of a VNTR.

--pacbio: Use this flag to genotype VNTRs using PacBio sequencing data.

--update: Use this option to iteratively update the model using real data before finding the genotype.

Input/output options:

-f, --alignment_file <file>
 alignment file in SAM/BAM/CRAM format
-r, --reference_filename <file>
 path to a FASTA-formatted reference file for CRAM files.
-f, --fasta <file>
 Fasta file containing raw reads
-p, --pacbio set this flag if input file contains PacBio reads instead of Illumina reads
-n, --nanopore set this flag if input file contains Nanopore MinION reads instead of Illumina
-o, --outfile <file>
 file to write results. adVNTR writes output to stdout if oufile is not specified
-of, --outfmt <format>
 output format. Allowed values are {text, bed} [text]

Algorithm options:

-fs, --frameshift
 set this flag to search for frameshifts in VNTR instead of copy number.
-e, --expansion
 set this flag to determine long expansion from PCR-free data
-c, --coverage <float>
 average sequencing coverage in PCR-free sequencing
--haploid set this flag if the organism is haploid
-naive, --naive
 use naive approach for PacBio reads

Other options:

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--working_directory <path>
 working directory for creating temporary files needed for computation
-m, --models <file>
 file containing VNTRs information [vntr_data/hg19_VNTRs.db]
-t, --threads <int>
 number of threads [4]
-u, --update set this flag to iteratively update the model
-vid, --vntr_id <text>
 comma-separated list of VNTR IDs

View VNTRs

Under construction …

Add Custom VNTR

Use advntr addmodel [options] to add a VNTR to the database. The structure of VNTR and its genomic coordinate are required.

Required arguments:

-r, --reference <text>
 Reference genome
-c, --chromosome <text>
 Chromosome (e.g. chr1)
-p, --pattern <text>
 First repeating pattern of VNTR in forward (5’ to 3’) direction
-s, --start <int>
 Start coordinate of VNTR in forward (5’ to 3’) direction
-e, --end <int>
 End coordinate of VNTR in forward (5’ to 3’) direction

Other options:

-g, --gene <text>
 Gene name
-a, --annotation <text>
 Annotation of VNTR region

-m/–models <file> VNTR models file [vntr_data/hg19_selected_VNTRs_Illumina.db] -h, –help show this help message and exit

You can use --update in genotyping step to iteratively update the model using real data.

Delete a VNTR

Use advntr delmodel --vntr_id <ID> to remove a VNTR from database.

Required arguments: -vid/–vntr_id <text> VNTR ID

Other options:

-m/–models <file> VNTR models file [vntr_data/hg19_selected_VNTRs_Illumina.db] -h, –help show this help message and exit